He came with a gladdened face to bless.
Human activities were at its mighty pace,
Those going to work danced and sang along,
The children saddened their face on uniform,
Workers hurried here and there for taxi,
Market women shouted and screamed for their wares
It was like a beehive, like an anthill.
The traffic built up like a tower of Babylon,
Teachers shirts perfectly starched to march.
The breeze swelled and swung here and there,
The birds came out in millions to see a new day.
And the sun came with a beautiful yellow face,
You could see the glittering of the glass houses
Telling the earth how glorious she has been to it.
You could cuddle a friend today and lose him on Tuesday,
You could gain a deceitful power and lose it to a woman.
And Monday came again with a trouble to trouble minds
Many hated that he arrived with many chores and obligations.
A game so precious to hunt and cry for amidst the unknown,
It could only be him that can tell of his brother, Tuesday.
© John Vincent Artistry
For: Film Republic Pictures.
Whether it is sheer societal inclinations, or rather my singular perception of happenings, I must admit that the feminists agitation for gender equality should not be justified from all spheres, in the sense that, while it may be justified on the basis of the barbaric treatment women are been subjected to by some inhumane customary rules, however such injustice should not be advanced as covering all spheres of life, for the reverse is indeed the case. As such I propose it is high time the male gender also clamour for gender equality, largely due to the one sided treatment meted out to males at the expense of females as obtained in practice. Speaking from my own personal experience, I attended a program few days back, when it was time for contributions, I raised my hand as did some ladies present, the master of ceremony however refused to point me and proceeded to point all the ladies seated round me. I had to stand up, clearly and visibly showing myself to the MC before he granted me...
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