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Showing posts from December, 2017


From unwary jokes And banters With eyes fixated on another I saw you as just a funny friend Then chemistry set in Unconsciously so, Whirlwinds of passion swept by Here I am with you. I lived in denial She did too No, she is my friend! I whined! No, nothing would brew! She exclaimed! Then came the flame which illuminated our synch Lost my defense Her wall threw open My innate self wanted a friend A gist partner Someone to bring out my talkative self Fantasing playground jumps With our offsprings Whence they see Dad and Mum As troublesome lovers Our affection grew From chatters and laughs Half-speaking, half-singing Then love painted the scene For our fairy tale Here we are, Helplessly in love Like we've got wings to fly Up there to paradise... Babe, its not over With the sweet, There is the bitter With the laugh, There is the cry A new horizon set With storms coming Before the final lap of professing "I do" We ve go...

My Christmas rant

Christmas The reflection of the life of the saviour What do we savour? A subconscious trend to celebrate Merry and have fun! Like an hereditary disposition With the instinctive drive to enjoy the season It becomes just another festival When its purpose becomes trivial With little advocacy for pious living And reprieve for the weak The world is filled with negative vibes A conflagration of irrational acts Wickedness in high places War and strife Every 52 weeks, Christ celebrations comes... After the buzz hostilities resume Why the hypocrisy? Our world is ruled by thieves and despots Criminals in big places Scammers of the word Scammers in the world They hold our freewill With starvation and famine For whence comes the talk an empty stomach cannot agitate Why do we jubilate the birth Of this man Whose ideologies negate what we do? I won't be part of this hypocrisy Where our hearts are filthy Our country's burning sun nothing but a shadow Gnawed by a...


This life is too simple to complicate matters. You have issues with someone? Work it out. Its not working out? Just move on my friend. I had a friend laidat, she can borrow things for Africa (lol). One day she borrowed a very little amount from me. I kept asking for refund weeks and months after. Babe was adamant. Later she changed to being aggressive. On top my money? Chai! Ayaf suffered. So one day, I went to her shop. Took goods that were worth almost the money she borrowed. Told her I'll transfer her money through e-banking. Me that's know I'll not do anything of such. Some hours later, babe started calling and texting. 'Seun, I've not receive alert o' 'Ha, its the network fa' I kept posting and posting her. That was how she reported me to another friend days later. I just told that one to tell her she should 'use the money she's owing me to do it' Babe vex block me o, on whatsapp, Facebook and instagram. She even refused t...


The right person was around you, at that point in time when you weren't ready for any kind of commitment. But when you later decide to get serious you keep meeting the wrong ones. If you are that person,you already lost her,so there is no point praying for you. But if you are just towing that step,kneel down let me pray for you. May you receive sense not to miss a virtuous woman and end up with Omo Wobe IJN. Omotola Babarinde ©


Deyemi Offspring of Adimeru Who took hero with his ethos When he walked with hefty luggage And sideways with the Omoge. You're the one who trailed way for heirloom But who do not burden for loads Like your pernicious father Adimeru Okunrin meta with enthusiasm. But you burden for several things Like the back-hills that harbored Asani But you burden for the smile of Adunni That you enticed well the cowries. Are you not an imprint? The imprint seen on Iragbiji Where you laid combo with your Raleigh And took Asake far with her beads. Adeyemi Osha! Who dare doubt you Deyemi? The one explicit this We stake it for its own peril Ajanaku 2017


How can we match along in the sea? Can I be identified among your mannered colours? Written in my palms are your routes, When the tide shines on your skin My mind is taken back to mother’s face. Can our friendship be explained to the moon? Even if your abode is salty to my tongue- Can I be free to keep in touch with you? You have robbed me of humanity love And gives me nature’s future tale. Are you the star in the ocean or the satellite? How possible can I swim with you without Being robbed of my sanity here? Does jungle justice exist in the oceans like here? Does your mother really care about your wellbeing? Do you also think about the future? When in trouble, how do you react? Calm or furious? Tell me dear jelly fish< I care to know more of you? Our lives hold together a thin cord which is fragile And thick but never can tell of its breakage When death emerge from our subconscious mind. © John Vincent Artistry For: Film Republic Pictures


When a love one is gone to abyss.. The heart searches of a companion in promises Hope gone to the needless tranquilities Beyond another mannered plague of guiltiness strives Another formal want of cuddle dances by in pain Home gone to the brevity of commonness Love seen far in an empty dreams and forgone books Liquor A sudden friend taken to the soul to kill This is where we call life a betrayal of destiny This is where we call white black just to be sane When the eyes drive from the unseen to the seen The empty barren of the mind fill all over the stake We become stream, stream of tunnel.. no pain felt We feel no more of the bite of the inching world We feel no more of the gladiator of the darkened earth One self becomes a misery of an unpured prey A ghetto home... A ghetto image of lost lovers. Bed of of symbols of like fate Look through the blank pages of your searching eyes... You would remember nothing of when you were...

Broken Silence

We are the empty men of the street, a cup which water fail to grace; the sky shies away from us at dawn then, the sun welcomes us harshly at noon. We are the window of pain and struggle dinning from cozy drainage and frozen atmosphere. When you see us smile, another uncertainty is created, this street has known us and we are part of the street like the palms of our hands and our imaginations; like the elephant, we give pains to the ground and the ground mock us like the little Ant at dusk. No one cares of the thunder that sends fears in us, no one cares of the rain that threatens us. This dying thought created terror and empathy, They said we have step to every beat Yet, they take our deeds to the fire for judgement We speak to break this and all To tell of our sorrow to the world Let them know what the politicians has caused us The land they made unbearable Through this broken silence of thought. . . . Yours Poetically, © John Chizoba Vincent


When CNN opened on a breaking news on a dark street in Libya; About Nigerians chained to be sold as slaves. The television slide and roved over.... Their tears shattered and their blood spoke of pains on the blazing ground. The NewsCaster hid her face, the screen went on chaos, the remote ceased as their tears quaked the entire earth. From people' basket of wailing, my heart shrieked and three cities were built: graveyard, hell and death. This was the totality of manslaughter, a trade made by Africans against Africans. they made their souls like an old nest, torturing their brothers as if night and day are not the same to a blind man. Another ship has capsized in my body and my eyes is yet to find fins. I have to die for these men! I will hold down Libya for this blood! I will decorate their cities with skulls and cracking cackling ghosts. I will spread black demons on their grounded farmland. I will break the bones of your infants, Make their youths desolate t...


London has built another special hospital! Made for all Nigerian Presidents and Nobles, and future Aristocrats who will fight corruption; Since we die not in this country anymore we rather stay behind to rule as ancestors of tomorrow waiting to extort the treasured gin of the masses. You preacher of change spare us this ear breaking tale Our eardrums are not at home You went to London yesterday for treatment today We cried with empty stomach you came back with no voice for your people, Tomorrow, you will kill another dream of dregs of the society and the masses would praise you as the Messiah of honesty. You promised us one good meal a day, many children are eating thrice in the school! You promised us another light from the sky, but we saw a flammable one from the sun! You promised us one naira to one dollar, our Naira is now greater than Dollar itself! You promised us our sisters in one month, but, we only saw them in your words. Mother stipend taken to the northern...


He came with a gladdened face to bless. Human activities were at its mighty pace, Those going to work danced and sang along, The children saddened their face on uniform, Workers hurried here and there for taxi, Market women shouted and screamed for their wares It was like a beehive, like an anthill. The traffic built up like a tower of Babylon, Teachers shirts perfectly starched to march. The breeze swelled and swung here and there, The birds came out in millions to see a new day. And the sun came with a beautiful yellow face, You could see the glittering of the glass houses Telling the earth how glorious she has been to it. You could cuddle a friend today and lose him on Tuesday, You could gain a deceitful power and lose it to a woman. And Monday came again with a trouble to trouble minds Many hated that he arrived with many chores and obligations. A game so precious to hunt and cry for amidst the unknown, It could only be him that can tell of his brother, Tuesday. © John Vincent A...


And the red demons screamed aloud, miseries and gories of a black scary death hurried by in the middle of the night. My father's shrine quaked in pity, My mother's excited wrapper loosed. Cain hurried by for the blood and skull of his brother. The Israelites defeated by Nigerians! How could it be their bones scattered in the midst of Nigerian greens? Drought. Hunger. Defeat. Death. Evil. Death brought all eyes to the feasting table of mediocres. Yet another feast for the deadly vultures, Yet another testimony for the pit of hell. For every righteous man labelled 666, For the indigenous heaven' occupants. Every children eyes shot horribly, Mothers, basking their fears in the hands of death, madly. The owls howled terribly torturing the sirenity of the cloud. The lions tamed and goats wilder. Darkened wind roared by, Thick gummy substances of the lurking embryo of the night cried. The wind stood, the stars wept. The moon hallucinated. Another destruction! Ano...


I have known girls from the hood Like the back of  my palms. Short and tall girls with bowl legs, Skimpy and calm girls with pink lips. Those that have fears and those that have no fear in their eyes for men. I have seen girl from the hood Like I see my nakedness at morn. Hot girls and cold girls I have known Those that kill men, those we tickled and they laughed away their life in joy. These girls made us who we are. I have dated girls from the hood Those that have steps to every beat, Atilogwo, bata, Gelede, and bolojo. I have known girls and their nagging lips, Sending the beat of madness into the Memories of teenagers in the abyss of grave. I have kissed girls from the hood, Black and pink lips girls from the hood. When you see the images of those honeyed Damsels, they make men shy away From their beautiful sinful faces. Girls are sweet sin in the eyes of men. I have known girls of lust and shame, Those that wake up with stretch mark On the corne...