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Showing posts from November, 2017


SERENITY! Oyster beach pastured greens dancing palm trees the sea and barren coast I want serenity I pray for solemnity I seek shelter In a canopy of thick leaved plains I want to dance to the music of the dazzling breeze Fruit sheltered forth in the wood Life is a war that takes no prisoner I search for calm I seek refuge East wind Take me to the woods far away from trolls and savages I long to ferry to a place where my mind can wander and my thoughts can soar higher hover on the beauty of nature I want back my sanity Bring me to peace I want serenity. I long for nature beauty to see the landscape wowing with grapes and tender flowers to bring back my sanity. Something Cool Life in calmness Nature Peace THE SERENITY            Ayoola Gem Fash 2017


Ayoola . Our love is like the moral of “Alujanjankijan” Where those who took heed never lost So if we aim for love, let us aim for trust And let us be not "Laipo" and the people of Ibadan. . Jowo Ayoola — I've thread the path of our feelings Seeking for pedigree in the land of Ajoji I've longed for you in the market of Onikolobo Where your wears are dyed with the shades of indigo . Ayoola — The night you stayed, holding my arms The moon beamed and a poem paired my heart And Eye-Orin gladdened with the love we fond And sang of us in her thousand songs. . Ayoola — If my love for you was any exceptional The trees would line up to enchant your smile And I will send pumpkins just for you to know That for you I could thread on the path of Olu-igbo . Ayoola — You're beautiful than any other thing You're glamorous than the charms of Egbin For when you winked in the city of Jos Your beauty was seen in the town of Oke-Odan. . Ayoola — It is h


Arike One day, I will gather our kids and take them far away on a beautiful tale of how love held me sway on it's adventurous sails I will serenade them with stories from yore days about how unwary jokes morphed into flames of amorous desires I know they will laugh hearts out when I tell them about the timeless times I rehearsed fine lines hoping to sweep you off your feet and make brightly-coloured, winged things swirl and tumble in your innards. The very lines that fell in beautiful places in my head always flew away like freed birds when i needed them And then I will look away sheepishly like the fool I was First, it was a tingling then I got a feeling even caught my heart singing And you were the lyrics I dilly dallied but this feelings tarried Till my heartbeats synced in melody with yours When I wasn't looking love fell on my heart And when my heart was in faraway lands love came knocking Olarike You are more than wha


MY SUPER WOMAN Milady, even nature is in tune with this beauty that grace your visage the sway of your hips the charming elegance the music in your tease Ah! I want to dance Take my hands take these words from my heart chords you are a super woman. you queen o'er females you shine, the sun pales. Your royal grace stainless face feline gaits cast my gates into awe. Oh what artistry designed this struct? Weaved with intellects moulded with finesse Oh Super Woman! be my woman I'd be your man. Now I be covetous as I beckon your procreators to take and plant this fair flower in my gardens to water with love and tend with care Take! I leave my heart bare love is to be shared. Oh super woman heavens bless the hands that sowed you God bless the land that nurtured you. Blessed be this union Blessed be the Lord.       ©Ayoola Gem Fash🇳🇬             2017

Gematic rants

I love to pick my pen and write. I crave to tell stories and tales Moaning about twist of life and fate That leaves me in my present state. In melancholy I reason. As days pass with seasons In subtleness I brood Over little events that unfold. When will tribulations cease? When would I have inner peace! In my silence or wrath Action or inaction Which ever way, these little things must stop! I am Bolarinwa, I am strong! Son of Ogidi wont' stay stuck! Victory is here I am royal, I am Gem. I am called strength, I am strong!